Media 7 has humanitarian ministries as well as radio and TV programs reaching out to people in Albania and Kosovo. Our counseling program has helped restore marriages. “Hope for the Heart” has provided Biblical training for our staffand necessary resources for our counseling centers to share with our listeners that the Bible is and must always be our foundation of TRUTH. “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of God stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8)  We are very thankful to” Hope for the Heart”! Following, is a story of how our Counseling Center has helped one woman, who now shines the Light of God to everyone with whom she speaks.

Elisa has been very active on our Facebook page and listening to our radio programs and other resources, even before she was a Christian. She “comments” on our page about our radio and television programs, as well as other articles we post daily. What she heard and read changed her life and she says they played a large role in her decision to give her life to Jesus.

One day Elisa sent a message to us via email asking for materials on how to handle worry and stress. Our counselors were happy to send her the resources she needed. Later they talked to her on the phone and learned more about her. She is a high-level manager in her workplace. She became a Christian four years ago, but her husband has not yet given his life to Jesus. They attend church together with their two children every Sunday.

After a few sessions on the phone, Elisa asked to meet at our Center and shared with our counselor how deeply concerned and hurt she was that her husband was having an affair. She struggled with her emotions as she told our counselor she didn’t feel there was anyone in her church or family she could comfortably share her concerns. As a Christian woman in love with her husband, she wanted to do her best to keep her family together. She started meeting weekly with our counselor

Our counselor helped her manage her emotions and prayed asking Jesus to “bind up her broken heart.” They talked together about forgiveness and how important it is to honor God with our lives at all times and in all circumstances. They talked about how Jesus also knows about betrayal and forgiveness. Elisa received some helpful brochures on marriage, betrayal, forgiveness, lying, and confrontation from our counselor, which they discussed together.

In the last meeting with the counselor, Elisa shared, “I understand now that I have not been a good communicator with my husband and I have not confronted him in the right way because I didn’t know any better. I think I never heard before the Biblical way to communicate with one another. And I have never seen someone practicing what you shared with me. Thank you so much! I’m so relieved and full of energy to stand for what is right. Your practical advice has truly saved my marriage. My husband’s behavior changed when I began to communicate better with him and openly shared my heart. It has not been easy and we have a long road ahead, but I feel better equipped now to deal with my problems.

Elisa wrote: Our meetings immensely blessed me. Your words and kindness were like fresh water for my soul and my heart. I have truly found a Friend in Jesus who is more precious than any earthly treasure. Thank you for your time and prayers. Since I met with the counselor my love for the Word of God has grown significantly, and I can now see the wonderful way God speaks to us. Thank you for the books you have given me. They filled my heart with hope and my mind with the strength to fight the good battle of faith.