Erwin Lutzer Teaching Biblical Truth without Compromise
In April 2024 we welcomed, Pastor Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church, together with his wife Rebecca Lutzer. Pastor Lutzer is an award-winning author of more than twenty books, a celebrated international conference speaker, and the featured speaker on three radio programs: The Moody Church Hour, Songs in the Night, and Running to Win. These programs are available on many Christian radio stations around the world.
Pastor Lutzer was so gracious to us and spent a full day recording different shows for our radio and television networks.
On the radio, Pastor Lutzer gave a very powerful message about the importance of developing a personal relationship with God. He shared many practical advice for young pastors on how they can build a strong personal foundation, rooted in the Word of God. Pastor Lutzer addressed specifically a part of his message to young pastors who are just starting in ministry.
The message of Pastor Erwin Lutzer on the power of prayer was one of the favorites of the last season. We received many comments from our listeners sharing how much they appreciated pastor Lutzer’s advice based on Scripture. Our audience appreciated how he was very real in his message. There is such a need in the times we are living for believers to renew their commitment to God and start praying without ceasing.
Together with his wife Rebecca, we had a very honest conversation about their pastoral journey. They shared challenges in different seasons of their lives and how God has led them together throughout the years to fulfill their calling. This message was very important for young Albanian pastors who minister often in a very hostile environment for the Gospel.
Besnik, a young church leader wrote to us, “I want to thank you for these messages with pastor Lutzer. I have been serving in a small church in the village and at times I feel very isolated. These messages instilled in me a new passion for Jesus and His Kingdom. Thank you.”
On our television broadcast, Pastor Lutzer answered a lot of questions from Albanian pastors and gave practical advice on how a Christian leader can keep his walk with God pure. On another series of programs, Pastor Lutzer answered a lot of questions we had about Israel, “Why Israel matters to believers today? What’s so special about the Land of Israel? What is the future of Israel and the Jewish people?” We are very thankful to pastor Lutzer for sharing Biblical truth on this topic that has been causing a lot of division among believers in Albania and Kosovo since the October 7 attack on Israel. We stand with God and His Word on matters concerning the land of Israel and the Jewish people.
Here at Media 7, we are very thankful to these servants of God who came alongside our ministry to help teach biblical truth without compromise to a young church.