Media 7 needs your help. Our outreach is to first generational Christians, which means those we reach for Christ do not have a fellowship of firm believers to guide them and help them understand the Word of God and His love for them from generations of faith. This is a concern. As Paul told Timothy as he strengthened the church in Paul’s absence—“Timothy—guard what has been entrusted to your care….” I Timothy 6:20. That is precisely what Media 7 wants to do for all Albanians and those who hear their message of Jesus Christ. Media 7 believes they live in very critical times in this region of the world. The small number of believers needs help to mature in their faith and to influence their culture which opposes the Gospel.
1. Are you passionate about sharing the Gospel with people who have not yet heard of its hope and grace?
2. Do you want to support Christians who live in communities that are hostile to the Gospel message?
3. Do you have a heart for the poor and the ones who suffer discrimination?
You can help through Media 7!
Become a Media 7 Ambassador
Connect global ministry with your friends and church by hosting an introduction event in your home or church. Help those you know to learn more about Media 7.
Some of the exciting ministries of Media 7 are:
1. Sharing the Gospel in areas where missionaries are not welcome because of extreme persecution.
2. Helping widows and marginalized people groups overcome hunger, poverty, and injustice.

We are all in this marvelous work of Christ together: communities, churches, partners, supporters, field staff, and office staff. As an Ambassador Volunteer, you may serve for as long as you desire and have the integral role of connecting your family and friends, relatives and church with the very communities Media 7 helps. You will team your talents and skills with the staff at Media 7 to motivate people to learn and support Media 7’s different projects.
You will be the hands and feet of Jesus as you share this mission with your community and church. Please write to us at [email protected]
Please note, at this point, we are only set up to facilitate Ambassadors from within the USA.